Play Therapy
Liz is Rowhill school’s Play Therapist and is based in school two days a week.
Liz can offer 1:1 sessions and small group interventions on a weekly basis supporting our pupils emotional and behavioural needs.
What is Play Therapy?
Play Therapy is a form of child therapy that provides a way for children to express their thoughts and feelings through their natural language of play. It is often used when verbal therapy does not work.
For a child, the play equipment and art tools become their words. The children can use the equipment in the room to play out the experiences they are struggling with. Play Therapy provides that safe, non-judgmental space for the child. The Play Therapist supports the child through their own process and gives them the time and space they need, to feel more able to cope with challenging times and to thrive in their own self-esteem and mental wellbeing.
Who Can it Help?
Individual play therapy is suitable for children who have experienced difficulties such as: bereavement, family separation, abuse, trauma, fostering or adoption and young carers.
Play therapy is also beneficial for children who just can't find the words to be able to deal with the strong feelings they are having and as a result you may notice changes in their behaviour. This may be shown in a number of ways, including:
- Anger and aggression
- Self-harming
- Extreme shyness or selective mute
- Difficulty in forming or maintaining relationships
- Anxiety, stress or phobias
- Communication and behavioural delays or difficulties
- Mood swings or inappropriate emotional responses
- Low self esteem
- Bullies or bullied children
If you would like to know more about Play Therapy and feel your child would benefit from this service please contact the school office and ask to speak with either Liz Ward or Helen Thomas in the Therapy department.