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  • Election of Parent Governor

    Published 03/06/24

    Election of Parent Governor

    Invitation for you to consider standing for election as a parent governor for Rowhill school. Every Kent school has a governing body, which includes a number of categories of governors including parent governors.  Parent governors are elected to serve for a period of four years, though they may resign at any time.

    Together with the head teacher, the governing body has overall responsibility for the running of the school.  Governors are involved in deciding school policies, allocating the school’s budget and appointing senior staff.  No special qualifications are needed and the most important thing is to have a keen interest in the school and be prepared to play an active part in the governing body’s work.  In order to support governors in their work, the County Council provides full training for all governors at no charge to the individual.

    If you would like to stand for election, please complete the attached form and return it to me within two weeks of the date of this letter (17-6-2024).  Each person nominated must be proposed and seconded by parents/carers who have a child at the school.  Anyone standing for election is invited to provide, with his/her nomination, a short personal statement (maximum of 100 words).  The statement should only include biographical information, your reasons for wanting to be a parent governor and the contribution you believe you can make to the governing body.

    If the number of nominations received is equal, or less than, the number of vacancies, the nominees will automatically be elected as parent governors.  If, however, there are more nominations than vacancies, an election will be held and copies of the personal statement will be sent to all parents.  Two weeks will be allowed for the return of ballot papers.  Each parent will have one vote for each vacancy, no matter how many children he or she has at the school.

    I do hope you will consider standing as a governor or else nominating another parent/carer.  If you would like more information about being a school governor, please contact another governor or myself for more information via the school office.

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  • School Photographs

    Published 03/05/24

    On Wednesday the 15th of May, we will be having our school photo day. This is a wonderful opportunity to capture the memories of this year.

    The photo session will be supported by Braiswick Photographic Company. Each student will have their individual pictures taken. Students are encouraged to wear their full school uniform on the day.

    We understand that not everyone may feel comfortable being photographed. If your child wishes to opt out of having their picture taken, please let us know in advance. We respect the preferences of all our students and families.

    Should you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to contact us. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated in making our photo day a great success.

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  • #WakeUpWednesday

    Published 17/04/24

    What Parents & Educators Need to Know about Energy Drinks

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  • Sweet Success: Battersea benefits from T1 cake sale!

    Published 05/02/24

    On Friday 2nd February, pupils in T1 demonstrated their love for our furry friends and whipped up a storm for a scrumptious cake sale in aid of Battersea Dogs Home. From classic cupcakes to gooey brownies, the sweet delights attracted customers from our school community, showing   compassion for dogs who were being looked after at Battersea.

    Pupils worked together in a mature and industrious manner to plan and run the sale to a very high standard. In fact, it would not be an exaggeration to suggest that some even have a future in trading - market trading!


    The table and backdrop looked very professional, and all pupils had a role to ensure everything went smoothly. The response from the school community was overwhelming. Pupils and teachers alike supported the sale, eager to contribute to this worthy cause.

    T1 showed they can work in a team, handle a public facing role, deal with money and work out how to make a healthy profit. These are transferable skills, and undoubtedly desired in the workplace.

    The hard work and dedication paid off, as the cake sale raised an impressive £102 for Battersea Dogs Home. This fantastic achievement is a testament to the children's compassion, and it will undoubtedly make a real difference in the lives of the dogs.

    The event instilled valuable life lessons, learning about the importance of teamwork, responsibility, and giving back to the community. They also experienced the joy of using their talents to make a positive impact on the world around them.

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  • Skills 360

    Published 29/01/24

    Rowhill School will be taking part in the Skills 360 event, please see the agenda below.


    Event : Rowhill School, Longfield, Dartford

    9.20am         Businesses Arrive (set up, refreshments and networking)

    9.45am         Students Arrive
    10.00am       Welcome and introduction to event

               Host school - Head Teacher/Careers Leader Welcome

               Guest Speaker – EA or Visiting Business or EC              

    10.10am         Interviews – first round  (6 min per interview/ 5 interviews)        

    10.40am         BREAK – 10 minutes

    10.50am         Interviews – second round (6 min per interview/ 5 interviews)

    11.20am         BREAK – 10 minutes

    11.30pm         Interviews – third round (6 min per interview/ 5 interviews) 

    12.00pm         Thank you & close by Hosts

    12.05pm         Lunch & Networking

    12.30pm      End

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  • The Big Ambition - Have your say!

    Published 11/01/24

    The Big Ambition - Have your say!

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  • Online safety

    Published 15/11/23

    Please see link for parents information to support your knowledge and practice with regards to keeping your child safe on line.  

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  • Parents evening

    Published 31/10/23

    Rowhill School parents evening will take place on the 21st Nov between 15:30 - 17:30. More information will be sent out soon.

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