Occupational Therapy
Rowhill’s dedicated Occupational Therapist is Fola |
Occupational Therapists (OT) assess and treat children who have difficulties that affect their ability to do every day functional activities. At school OTs help the students to achieve or maintain their maximum level of independence so they can access the school curriculum to their full potential. The Occupational therapist works closely with pupils and members of staff to identify areas of need in order to help with specific difficulties. They may see students on a 1:1 basis as well as in class to assess their needs and provide recommendations and advice that can be incorporated into their school day. This supports the student with the development of their skills in an appropriate environment for them. |
Key areas for intervention provided by the Rowhill OT team include:
- Fine Motor skills- with advice and strategies to support the development of hand skills including pencil skills and scissor control.
- Sensory Processing - advice and programs to address sensory difficulties that affect a child's ability to learn. Including managing Emotions.
- Independence skills include strategies, advice and equipment recommendations to promote skills in feeding, dressing and toileting. This may include tying shoelaces or using a knife and fork.
- Seating- assessment of posture and recommendations of suitable seating to enable access to the educational curriculum.
There is currently 1 Occupational Therapist at Rowhill School and a team of therapy assistants. The therapy team is available by contacting the school office.
Current Interventions provided by the OT team include
- Zones of Regulation
- Individual and small group sessions for students struggling with specific concepts or those requiring an individualized approach.
- Handwriting programs individually and in groups
- Write from the start by Ion Teodorescu and Lois Addy
- Speed up Handwriting Programme by Lois Addy
- Fine Motor Sessions
- Blocks of therapy for Individuals and small groups to develop specific fine motor skills. Students will have individual targets
- Individual or group sessions to address specific independence skills such as tying shoe laces.
Students requiring OT support will initially need to be referred to the Team. Following receipt of the completed form the student will be assessed by an OT and recommendations will be made to support the student at home or school to achieve the agreed targets.
How to refer
If you have concerns regarding the sensory and/or motor development of a student, you can request to speak with an OT or the student’s teacher to discuss whether a referral would be appropriate. If OT is felt to be appropriate then a referral form will be completed by the student’s teacher and a consent form will be sent home to completed by the parent/guardian.