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Curriculum 2022

As a school we are busily reorganising and restructuring the curriculum in line with the new Ofsted framework. The curriculum policy highlights the way we aim to provide for the education of all at Rowhill School. We now have 3 Hubs (Primary Yrs. 1-6 with 5 classes, Transitional Yrs. 6-9 with 4 classes, Vocational Yrs. 9-11 with 4 classes) each with their own provision and curriculum map which will meet the needs of their prescribed cohort. The main aim is to ensure the curriculum in each hub is fit for purpose, broad and balanced and most importantly engaging. Each Hub will take the most important parts of the  National Curriculum but will ensure that there is flexibility in content, delivery and outcomes to motivate students which in turn stimulates success, progress and improved self-esteem. It will focus on core skills, practical learning, and student led development. It will seek to offer learning in a variety of environments and contexts as well as inspiring personal development through creative options.

In addition to our 3 main Hubs we now have an Alternative Curriculum Provision which caters for older students who find it difficult to manage in classroom contexts and or need a more bespoke offer to ensure they succeed and follow the most appropriate after school (ACP Brochure).

As part of our overarching offer the school provides the older students opportunities to complete practical vocational offers such as mechanics, hair and beauty and construction which are in turn offered out to our local community of schools.

The Hub curriculum offers are being developed and will be displayed below when ready through our ‘Cohort-Provision-Outcome ‘ Model